The presentation of the “Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2021” at the SÜLZLE Group in Rosenfeld (from left: Director at Deloitte Björn Neumann, Director at Credit Suisse Dr. Thomas Krause, SÜLZLE Group management Heinrich Sülzle, Edith Kuret, Stefan Holweger and Andreas Sülzle).


Sustainable entrepreneurship convinces again

SÜLZLE Group honored with Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2021

The Axia Best Managed Companies (BMC) program is a competition and seal of approval for successful mid-sized companies conducted by Deloitte Private, WirtschaftsWoche, Credit Suisse and BDI in Germany. The vision: to build a national and global ecosystem of excellently managed medium-sized companies. A key unique selling point of BMC is its internationality: BMC was launched by Deloitte in Canada in the 1990s and has since been successfully introduced in more than 30 countries.

The SÜLZLE Group fulfils the program’s strict criteria – and has done so for the second time. In 2020, the group of companies, which specializes in sustainable environmental and energy technology, among other things, and is the first steel trader in Germany to offer CO2-neutral “green steel,” had already received the coveted award. “From the development of forward-looking strategies and innovative processes to effective corporate governance structures and a healthy corporate culture: Like all Axia Best Managed Companies Award winners, SÜLZLE stands out for its entrepreneurial excellence – and once again sets standards in all key areas of corporate management,” emphasizes Lutz Meyer, Partner and Head of Deloitte Private.

“Sustainable and partnership-based entrepreneurship over generations as well as consistent further development with a clear and long-term focus, especially in the area of sustainability, is our key to success.”

Heinrich Sülzle, Managing Partner of the SÜLZLE Group

“We want to be innovation leaders in our markets – regardless of how other market players operate,” adds his brother Andreas Sülzle, also a managing partner. “Our value-oriented and partnership-based corporate philosophy brings sustained high reliability and great customer benefits.” Arguments that once again convinced the jury of the Axia Best Managed Companies Award. “We are very pleased about this recognition of our overall entrepreneurial performance and would like to thank all employees who made this award possible,” emphasize the Sülzle brothers. “At the same time, we also take this award as a challenge to become even better – and perhaps to win a third time.”